Editor's Note
This week we start from Massimo Zamboni’s “La Macchia Mongolica”. Former founder of CCCP and C.S.I. has long been involved in multiple solo projects or in fruitful collaborations. More than twenty years after “Tabula Rasa Elettrificata”, the Emilian guitarist and composer returns to Mongolia. The result is a wider multifaceted project implying a film, a book and a disc we have spoken in our interview. Our world music page offers a great range of music with a mix of creative talents. You’ll find “Sabotage and Tradition” from the cosmopolitan band Lakvar, Quintet Bumbac’ s “Miroirs” and “Trees for Two” from the duo Myrdhin et Elisa. From Finland comes “Mielo”, Maria Kalaniemi & Eero Grundström’s latest release. We then head to Russia for the beautiful collection “Folk & Great Tunes From Russia”, published by CPL Music. We propose “Walls have ears”, Transglobal Underground’s comeback album and “Tin Tout" by maloya ambassador Danyèl Waro from La Réunion. Also, we review Serena Spedicato / Nicola Andrioli’s “The Shining Of Things. Dedicated To David Sylvian”. Our issue 457 ends with Valerio Corzani’s pic starring Paola Erdas.
Ciro De Rosa
Direttore Responsabile di www.blogfoolk.com
- Lakvar – Sabotage and Tradition (recordJet, 2020)
- Quintet Bumbac – Miroirs (Collectif çok Malko, 2020)
- Myrdhin et Elisa – Trees for Two (La Cour des Licornes, 2020)
- Maria Kalaniemi & Eero Grundström – Mielo (Åkerö Records, 2020)
- Artisti Vari – Folk & Great Tunes from Russia (CPL Music, 2020)
- Transglobal Underground – Walls Have Ears (Mule Satellite Recordings, 2020)
- Danyèl Waro – Tinn Tout (Buda, 2020) #CONSIGLIATOBLOGFOOLK