Editor's Note
The spirit of Blogfoolk is to offer musical information and to discuss musical cultures to readers still listening to records, to concerts goers, to people who read about music, either simple enthusiasts or music scholars. We are mainly devoted to world music, to the trad-folk of the new millennium, without forgetting the changes in the perception of space and time induced by the new sound and communication technologies that have changed the concept of “territory”. Last but not least, we do not hesitate to comment and to take a stand on what is before our eyes in Italy as elsewhere. Don’t be surprised, then, to find a very heterogeneous programme that starts from our March BF-Choice which is “Odissea”, BandAdriatica’s fifth release. The Apulian outfit with a long artistic path, producing Salentine inspired music combined to pan-Mediterranean sounds, who is now travelling across new world music routes. It’s not really a brand new record, as it already has a few months behind it, but which cannot go unnoticed. We talk to the Apulian combo commander Claudio Prima to learn more about the inspirations behind “Odissea”, with its original texts telling stories of epic journeys, mingling myth and present times. Then, Alessio Surian takes us to Rio de Janeiro for the 2019 edition of the Carnival where Mangueira Samba-School has paid tribute to the late Marielle Franco, human rights activist, politician and sociologist, city councilour and exponent of the Brazilian Socialist and Freedom, murdered on the evening of March 14, 2018, in a homicide-execution for which the suspects fall on the Brazilian police apparatus, since Franco denounced the violence and abuses committed by the police in the favelas of Rio. Spirituality and sense of brotherhood wrap “Jedba. Spiritual Music from Morocco”, highly recommended and mesmerising album exploring the Sufi musicality of Morocco, originated from the collaboration between Abdesselam Damoussi and Nour Eddine Fatty. From Ireland, we listen to the eponymous disc of the Garadice quartet. We return to Italy for Zephyros’ “Onirica”. From Veneto we move, then, into the poetical Friulian language of “Sfueai”, a disc that sees the meeting between the voice of the Friulian singer-songwriter Elsa Martìn and the pianist Stefano Battaglia. In some way back to Ireland in the section dedicated to live music, with the chronicle of The Gloaming’s gig at Teatro Ristori in Verona, where the quintet presented their splendid brand new album “The Gloaming 3”. Further CD reviews with a special of our Italian Sounds Good page, which aligns Paolo Preite, Simone Vignola, Magora, The Piano Room, Miza Mayi, Andrea Donzella, Andrea Giraudo, Babil On Suite. One last look is on the Italian jazz scene with “Circleland” by Riccardo Pettinà Quintet, while Blogfoolk # 398’s back page offers Corzani Airlines with his shot featuring Ed Droste of the indie-rock band Grizzly Bear.
Ciro De Rosa
Direttore Responsabile di www.blogfoolk.com
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