Editor's Note
Christmas issue of “Foolk Magazine” opens with the cover story, which is “Lampi sulla Pianura”, Lucia Miller’s soloist debut album. The singer and musician from Brescia is known for her over ten-year artistic career in Massimo Bubola’s Eccher Band. The celebrated singer-songwriter who has signed some of Fabrizio De André’s most beautiful and intense songs is the producer of a Miller’s disc, where American-style folk-rock meets lyrics of great poetic depth. It is the singer from Brescia to tell us more about her solo debut. We continue our journey through Italy to review “Ceppeccàt”, Sossio Banda’s new album. The folk & trad page offers Jon Boden & The Remnant Kings’s new release “Rose In June” and “The Soul of Epirus” by Petroloukas Halkias (clarinet) & Vasilis Kostas (laouto). Finally, the world music space presents “Bayti Fi Rasi” by A-Wa the Israeli female trio of Yemenite descent. For the live music page you have the chronicle from the “traditional” Christmas concert by the long-standing Piedmont band Tre Martelli at Ambra Theatre in Alessandria (December 15th) and the concert “So’ Stato Io. Lella, 50 years later”, staged at L’Asino in Rome (December 4th). For the jazz section you’ll find “New Thing” by Martino Vercesi 4tet, while for the contemporary music we shine a light on “Hamdelaneh Intimate Dialogues”, a project originated from the magical encounter between Markus Stockhausen and santoor master Alireza Mortazavi. As usual, the back cover is Valerio Corzani’s snap, featuring Peter Bernstein.
Ciro De Rosa
Direttore Responsabile di www.blogfoolk.com
- Jon Boden & The Remnant Kings – Rose in June (Hudson Records, 2019) #CONSIGLIATOBLOGFOOLK
- Petroloukas Halkias & Vasilis Kostas – The Soul of Epirus (Artway Technotropon Greece, 2019)
- A-Wa – Bayti Fi Rasi (S-Curve Records, 2019)
- Tre Martelli in “Concerto di Natale”, Teatro Ambra, Alessandria, 15 dicembre 2019
- So’ Stato Io. Lella, 50 anni dopo, L’Asino che vola, Roma, 4 dicembre 2019
- Markus Stockhausen, Alireza Mortazavi – Hamdelaneh Intimate Dialogues (Dark Companion Records, 2019)
L'immagine di copertina è un'opera di Donatello Pisanello (per gentile concessione)