Editor's note
This week "Blogfoolk" starts with female lead songwriting section. "La pancia è un cervello col buco" is the second album from Gabriella Martinelli, one of the most interesting names between the new faces of the italian music scene. Artist with a great personality, drawn by a passion for music lead theatre, the songwriter from Puglia centres her interview around the inspirations behind the album, to focus, afterwards, on her ongoing projects and her relationship with the stage. On the world side, we offer a focus on Lula Pena, singer poet and songwriter from Portugal, interviewed and followed during her concert in Casertavecchia, during the 2018 edition of Settembre al Borgo. More Italian news with "River Tunes", latest album from the piper Valerio Vettori. "Gira, Volta e Firria" is the first release of the sicilian s Quartet Folk. Back to live music, we have a review of the concert celebrating the 50 years of activity of La Macina held at the Auditorium Parco della Musica on the 14th of September, and the report from the series of concerts "PeM! Parole e Musica in Monferrato", active between the 24th of August and the 20th of September. We never forget about the Jazz scene, with "Oltremare" of Raffaele Casarano, and the contemporary scene, with "The Story of Valerie" from Carola Baer. The section "visions" comes back with and interview with Valerio Corzani, who offers a preview of "Black People In A White World" from the 4th to the 3st of October at Spazio 44 in Rome, a fantastic exhibition with the shoots of the journalist voice of RadioRai3, during his journeys around the globe. The back cover of "Blogfoolk" is signed once again by Valerio Corzani, portraying Kelsey Lu. (Traduzione di Edoardo Marcarini)
Ciro De Rosa
Direttore Responsabile di www.blogfoolk.com
- L'intimismo cosmopolita di Lula Pena: intervista alla troubadour portoghese
- Valerio Vettori – River Tunes (Hippo Trippo, 2018)
- La Macina, Sala Petrassi, Auditorium Parco della Musica, 14 Settembre 2018
- PeM! Parole e Musica in Monferrato, Monferrato, dal 24 agosto al 20 settembre 2018
L'immagine di copertina è un'opera di Donatello Pisanello (per gentile concessione)